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This post goes right along with my other post about our Turtle nesting season. So I am also reposting this.  It’s hard enough for the mama turtles to haul their body weight out of the ocean and drag themselves up on the beach. Then they have to dig with their flippers for hours to make a hole deep enough to lay their precious cargo.  Then it’s hours of labor to lay dozens and dozens of eggs. It’s got to be exhausting!  So they really don’t need all their hard work disrupted by garbage, beach chairs, towels, plastic buckets or anything else that might be left behind.  You’d be surprised what you find left behind on the beach at night. So please, clean up your area, pick up your trash and take all your belongings with you when you leave the beach.  It’s for the turtles, it’s for our children and future generations, it’s for humanity and the planet. 

We locals fortunate enough to call Florida home, are very proud and protective of our beautiful beaches and the ocean!  That is not to say they belong to us but we consider ourselves the custodians for them.  We try to look out for their well being and continued beauty!  That being said, it’s very disheartening to go to the beach and see it littered with trash and remnants of yesterdays’s outing. Everything from plastic bottles, caps and straws, kids sand buckets and shovels left behind to socks and shirts forgotten. Let’s all do our part to keep our beaches clean!


It never ceases to amaze me, the plethora of items scattered about. The tides run high, so it’s inevitable these items will make their way into the ocean and wreak havoc on our marine life. The fish and turtles think it’s food and of course they will try to eat the things they see floating in the water. Many suffocate or become entangled in our trash and it is not a pretty sight to see.  Therefor,  on many a Saturday morning up and down the coast, we have beach clean up. It’s wonderful to see so many people come out and help because they care what happens to this life sustaining resource. Please check our local newspaper for announcements and if you feel so inclined, come out and help. We need you!  Keeping a few pointers in mind will go a long way to keeping our beaches and the water beautiful!

  • Reusable drink cups and dishes are the best choice, so that they go back home with you!
  • Keep disposables, plastic, styrofoam, cardboard, down to a minimum or not at all!
  • Check your area before you leave and take ALL your belongings and refuse with you!
  • On the dog beach please pick up and dispose of your dog’s waste!

It just takes a little consideration and cooperation from all of us for the benefit of us all! 

